Newark Parks & Playgrounds

Old Newark

Prohibition Rally
General view of the huge wet demonstration which was staged in Military Park,Newark,by Fraternal Trade and War Veteran organizations.More than 40,000 persons marching to music of a hundred bands, were cheered by thousands of spectators,many of whom joined in the monster rally.The paraders,carried 10,000 signs,bearing the legend,'We Want Beer'.Prominent speakers who addressed the great throng were Matthew Woll, vice president of the A.F.of L.and Mrs.Charles H. Sabin, President of the Woman's Prohibition Reform Organization. (Military Park Building in the background)

Photo from Getty Images

Prohibition Rally

General view of the huge wet demonstration which was staged in Military Park,Newark,by Fraternal Trade and War Veteran organizations.More than 40,000 persons marching to music of a hundred bands, were cheered by thousands of spectators,many of whom joined in the monster rally.The paraders,carried 10,000 signs,bearing the legend,'We Want Beer'.Prominent speakers who addressed the great throng were Matthew Woll, vice president of the A.F.of L.and Mrs.Charles H. Sabin, President of the Woman's Prohibition Reform Organization. (Military Park Building in the background)

Photo from Getty Images

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