
238 viewsPhoto from NNJM

238 viewsPostcard

Baseball Banned in Military Park238 views

1909237 viewsFrom: "Newark Illustrated 1909-1910" Published by Frank A. Libby 1909

Arch237 views

Many Attractions at the New Shooting Park237 viewsMay 17, 1903


Canoeing on the Lake235 viewsPostcard

Artistic Bridge235 viewsPhoto from "New Jersey; Life, Industries and Resources of a Great State:1926"

Feeding the Swans235 viewsPostcard

Overlay of Park and present map235 viewsPhoto from Aaron Zuckerman

1911 Map234 views

234 viewsHarper's New Monthly Magazine October 1876

234 viewsPostcard

No Prize Fighting At Newark234 viewsApril 9, 1893

The Pike234 viewsPostcard

233 viewsLower Left Corner

1927 Map233 viewsGonzalo Alberto

600 Anniversary of the Swiss Republic233 viewsAugust 4, 1891

1906233 viewsPostcard

1911 Map232 views

Boathouse232 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto


Military Park at Night231 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1916

1911 Map231 views

1927 Map231 views

231 viewsPhoto from Norman DeShong

231 viewsPostcard

1930s231 viewsPhoto from George Rinhart

Lily Pond231 viewsPostcard

2015230 viewsCurrent Location

Burning of a Newark Hall230 viewsThe New York Times
April 6, 1897

Shooting Park230 viewsJune 19, 1881

Recruiting Meeting at the Military Park Bandstand229 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1916

1911 Map229 views

1912 Map229 views

1912 Map229 views

1949229 viewsPhoto from the Newark Municipal Yearbook 1949

Golf229 viewsPhoto from "Sightseeing in Newark, N. J. by John H. Dunnachie: 1926"

228 viewsPostcard

228 viewsPhoto from NNJM

Baseball Play in Lincoln Park228 views

227 viewsPostcard

227 viewsPostcard

Along Park Place227 viewsPostcard

Foresters' Anniversary Celebration227 viewsAugust 16, 1892


1911 Map226 views


Clock on Broad Street226 views

226 viewsPostcard

226 viewsPostcard

1911 Map225 views

Park Avenue Bridge225 viewsFrom "Newark in the Public Schools"

225 views~1905
From "Views of Newark" Published by L. H. Nelson Company ~1905

1871225 viewsNewark City Directory

1777225 viewsNewark, Municipal Yearbook 1949-50

View of Sacred Heart Cathedral225 viewsPhoto from Bettmann

225 viewsPostcard

Weiss's Court Street Park History225 viewsJune 19, 1881
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