
Recluse Driven from Home at Last322 viewsSeptember 27, 1909

Wars of America Monument321 views

Bankrupt321 viewsFrom Gonzalo Alberto

1897320 viewsPhoto from Essex County Illustrated 1897

319 viewsPostcard

Oriental Plane319 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1918

318 viewsPostcard

318 viewsPhoto from NNJM

Mutual Driving Club's Races318 viewsAugust 26, 1895

317 viewsPossibly the dedication of the Wars of America Monument.

A View Looking North to the Park316 views

1889 Map316 views

316 viewsPhoto from Our Own Hall of Fame, Arbor Day 1921

1928315 viewsFrom New Jersey - Life, Industries and Resources of a Great State - 1928

Looking Southeast at Night314 viewsPostcard

314 viewsPostcard

Monsignor Doane Memorial Oak Tree314 viewsFrom "Our Own Hall of Fame" Arbor Day, 1921

Building Newark Stadium314 viewsFrom Gonzalo Alberto

View from Park Avenue Bridge313 viewsPostcard

312 viewsPostcard


Military Park and the Public Service Building312 viewsPostcard

312 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto

Vailsburg Park - The only Amusement Park within Newark's City Limits312 views1916

311 viewsPostcard

1912 Map311 views

310 viewsPostcard

Overview310 viewsPhoto from NNJM

308 viewsPostcard

1855308 viewsCentre Market on the right.
Click on image to enlarge.
Photo from “Ballou’s Pictorial” April 14, 1855

Stereoscopic Views308 views

308 viewsPhoto from NNJM

307 viewsPostcard

307 viewsPostcard

307 viewsPhoto from "Official Programme Newark's Anniversary Industrial Exposition 1916"

306 viewsPostcard

1915306 viewsPhotos from "Comprehensive Plan of Newark 1915"

1916305 viewsPhoto from “Narratives of Newark” by David L Pierson

Auto Racers Zip Around Track at Olympic Park305 views1915

305 viewsMiss Saunders with an insect collection field trip to Washington Park.

Wading Pool305 viewsPostcard

1844304 viewsPhoto from "A History of the City of Newark"
Lewis Historical Publishing Company

304 viewsPostcard

Overview from 744 Broad Street304 views


Divident Hill303 viewsLarge Format


Looking South at the Spanish Cannon302 viewsPostcard

Women Recluse Besieged in Home302 viewsMay 10, 1909

301 viewsPhoto from "Official Guide to the 250th Anniversary Celebration"

Roseville in the Distance300 viewsPostcard


299 viewsPostcard

Entrance to Military Park299 views


298 viewsFrom "Our Own Hall of Fame" Arbor Day, 1921

Jubilee Year Boulder298 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1916


A Busy Scene at Clinton Avenue & Broad Street298 views

Lions from the old Prudential Insurance Building297 views
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