Most viewed - Newark Parks

Sculptors' Plan For Beautifying A Plaza In Branch Brook Park400 viewsJanuary 14, 1906

To Build Two New Shelters In Branch Brook Park Playgrounds399 viewsNovember 12, 1905

396 viewsPostcard

New Boats At Branch Brook392 viewsJuly 31, 1904

Entrance to Military Park389 viewsPostcard

Field House387 views

1873387 viewsAlso known as Liberty Park

1921-1926387 viewsPhoto from NNJM

Another Landing To Be Provided386 viewsAugust 6, 1906

Statue384 viewsPostcard

Field House384 views

Flower Crescent382 viewsPostcard

White City for Velodrome Site382 views1910

Indoor Baseball Game at Electric Park Today379 views1911

1927 Map377 views

376 viewsImage from Alberto Valdes

Newark's First Automobile Show374 viewsNewark Star 1910

374 viewsPostcard

1927 Map373 views

Overview372 viewsPostcard

370 viewsPhoto from "Newark & It's Leading Businessmen 1891"

Boathouse369 viewsPostcard

Olympic Park Opening Presents New Features369 viewsMay 15, 1910

Snowfall368 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1918

Jack Rabbit368 views

Design for Fountain368 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto

Night Time View of the Lake and Flower Bed 368 viewsPostcard

368 viewsPhoto from NNJM

Stars & Stripes Fly from New Flag Staff in Milford Park367 views

Children Playing366 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1918

Three Turtles, Two Eels in Clinton Park Fountain366 views1909

1911 Map365 views

1891364 viewsFrom: Newark Illustrated 1891

Divident Hill363 viewsPostcard

Exterior vs. Map361 views

361 viewsPhoto from "Official Guide to the 250th Anniversary Celebration"

Wallace Park360 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1916

Spanish Cannon Captured in Cuba 1898359 viewsPostcard

Water Fountain359 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1916

Miss Anna C. Ward's Old Home Yielding to the Wreckers358 viewsOctober 31, 1909

1900356 viewsPostcard

From Broad Street & Lincoln Park356 views~1905
From "Views of Newark" Published by L. H. Nelson Company ~1905

1872 Map356 views

Weequahic Park356 viewsOctober 22, 1905

355 viewsPostcard

Accidents Marred Sport at Big Auto Race355 viewsNovember 11, 1906

354 viewsPhoto from The Brickbuilder Vol 9 1900

Fire Captain was Ready when Call was Received353 views1910

1889 Map352 views

Opening of Electric Park351 viewsMay 31, 1903

1892 Map349 views

349 viewsPhoto from "Official Programme Newark's Anniversary Industrial Exposition 1916"

348 viewsFrom "Our Own Hall of Fame" Arbor Day, 1921

Planting the Standard of Democracy347 viewsPhoto from the 1923 Manual of the Board of Commissioners


346 viewsPostcard


Children's Parade346 viewsImage from Alberto Valdes

1912 Map345 views

Jubilee Year Boulder344 viewsFrom "Shade Tree Commission of the City of Newark, New Jersey" 1916
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