3 files, last one added on Jul 10, 2006 Album viewed 266 times
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Random files - Schleifer Park
2001518 viewsPhoto from Glenn G Geisheimer
487 viewsHonor Roll Page from early 1930's school newspaper at Monmouth Street School, "The Monmouth Chatter", listing Louis Schleifer and Nat Bodian as two of the four students on the 8A Honor Roll.
Last additions - Schleifer Park
487 viewsHonor Roll Page from early 1930's school newspaper at Monmouth Street School, "The Monmouth Chatter", listing Louis Schleifer and Nat Bodian as two of the four students on the 8A Honor Roll.Jul 10, 2006
2001518 viewsPhoto from Glenn G GeisheimerJul 10, 2006